By default, POSIX threads are created non-detached. You need to perform a join on each non-detached thread, or else storage will never be freed up when they exit. As an alternative, you can create detached threads, for which storage will be freed as soon as they exit. This latter approach is generally better; you should only create non-detached threads if you explicitly need to know when or if they exit.
- Home
- Software
- Threads FAQ
- A glossary of terms used in threaded programming
- About the multithreaded programming FAQ
- After I create a certain number of threads, my program crashes [Unix]
- Asynchronous thread cancellation [Unix]
- How can I perform a join on any non-specific thread? [Unix]
- Mixing threads and signals [Unix]
- The history of threads
- What are the main families of threads?
- What is a thread?
- Why are reentrant library and system call interfaces good?
After my program runs for 1-3 hours, all the threads terminate but I cannot know exactly what caused this. Is there a way to determine which thread terminates first?
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