Blog Archives

Of bureaucracy and second-guessing

Carol Lloyd at the Chron wrote a second article about our fun with green building in San Francisco recently, which elicited a mention at SocketSite. The peanut gallery had a variety of comments, which I’ll quickly address here. Someone noticed
Posted in house

NowHouse, day 2

Shannon went to the opening of the NowHouse in San Francisco yesterday morning. Being stuck with a deadline at work, I couldn’t attend, but we went back this morning. I brought my camera along. The October morning weather provided a
Posted in house

It’s (they’re) ours!

We signed the final paperwork on the new properties last night. I remain impressed by how little my signature at the beginning of a signing session resembles itself forty repetitions later. Shannon and I spent tonight drawing floor plans on
Posted in house

Never trust a pen-and-ink real estate drawing

On the left, we have the image that was published with the listing for the new property. On the right, a picture of the actual place. While the pen-and-ink drawing makes the property look quite attractive, the photo fails to
Posted in house