Blog Archives

The future of MailRank’s open source technologies

(Cross-posted from the MailRank engineering blog.) You may have seen my exciting news about our upcoming move to Facebook. It’s been a total blast working on our product, and of course as we did so we released a number of
Posted in haskell, open source

A major new release of the Haskell statistics library

I'm pleased to announce a major release of of the Haskell statistics library, version I'd particularly like to thank Alexey Khudyakov for his wonderful work on this release. New features: Student-T, Fisher-Snedecor, F-distribution, and Cauchy-Lorentz distributions are added. Histogram
Posted in haskell, open source

The Strange Loop conference was a blast

Last week, I flew to St Louis for the excellent Strange Loop conference, where I gave a 3-hour Haskell tutorial and a talk on how we use Haskell at my startup company, MailRank. Strange Loop is a pretty good approximation
Posted in haskell, open source

Fitter, happier, more productive UTF-8 decoding

The other night, I had a random whim to spend a couple of minutes looking at the performance of UTF-8 decoding in the Haskell Unicode text package. Actually, rather than look at the actual performance, what I did was use
Posted in haskell, open source

Here be dragons: advances in problems you didn’t even know you had

Here’s something I bet you never think about, and for good reason: how are floating-point numbers rendered as text strings? This is a surprisingly tough problem, but it’s been regarded as essentially solved since about 1990.Prior to Steele and White’s
Posted in haskell, open source, Uncategorized

attoparsec 0.9, a major (and abortive) release [updated]

Update: I just released attoparsec, which undoes all of the changes described below. The problem? While removing backtracking, I accidentally changed the semantics of the <|> operator in an unforeseen and unfortunate way. The bug I introduced was that
Posted in haskell

Exciting teaching news

Looks like I’ve got a busy autumn ahead! Read on for two pieces of news that I’m very happy about. In September, I’ll be teaching a Haskell workshop at the Strange Loop Conference in St Louis. Here’s the abstract: Modern
Posted in haskell

A new week, a new JSON performance improvement

It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote about the aeson library for working with JSON in Haskell, but this isn’t because I’ve been idle. In fact, just tonight I put out a new release. Where the previous releases
Posted in haskell, open source

A little care and feeding can go a long way

Sometimes, when a software package meets a certain level of maturity (or the desire to hack on it fades sufficiently), it's tempting to consider it "done". Here's a little tale of when done isn't really done.About a week ago, I
Posted in haskell, open source

CPS is great! CPS is terrible!

Every functional programmer worth their salt seems to end up with at least a few stories to tell about programming in CPS, also known as continuation passing style. Here’s my latest one. As a user of it, you can’t tell
Posted in haskell